Issues You Might Run Into When Using A Bad Web Host

Nowadays, there are a variety of web hosting providers you can choose from when starting an online business.

In this article, we are going to have a look at some of the issues you might run into when going with a subpar or low-quality web host. Issues such as page performance, SEO effects, customer service, downtime, and security.

Page performance

One of the main issues you will run into when going with a lower-end web host is how your page will perform. Most of the cheaper-end web hosts are shared ones. This means resources such as CPU, memory, and storage space are shared between users. You can expect low performance with shared hosting, but you will never have this issue with VPS hosting plan.

Since you agree to share the resources at your disposal with others, you are not at liberty to ask them to stop using those same resources. For example, an unknown number of websites are crammed on that one hosting server, and one or more have random high-traffic intervals. What happens is the needed websites will hog the resources, leaving the other websites without CPU, memory, and other necessary resources to function properly

In other words, if you opt for a subpar web host on a shared platform, it will result in limited control and resource usage.



Let’s have a look at the concept of downtime and how downtime is a necessary part but also a great risk when going with a lower-end host.

Downtimes are a necessary part of each website. They are scheduled and used for software updates, whether it’s applications or additional updates for fixing specific bugs or issues users are coming across.

On the other hand, when going with a free or cheaper web host, your website might experience downtime due to other reasons, not just scheduled ones. For example, if you have opted in for using a server with limited or shared resources and your website is experiencing high-traffic due to a new collection, giveaways, or anything else that might have been planned. Your website will crash in these scenarios and experience downtime due to the lack of resources at your disposal, which can lead to a loss of revenue.

No matter the web host, downtime is crucial. The reason for your website’s downtime is the issue at hand with subpar hosts.

SEO and its negative effects on it

If you are someone that has an online business, then you know that search engine optimization plays a big part in growing your business.

Search engine optimization and its search ranking are affected by various factors. Some of these factors are your website’s performance and loading time, content relevance, as well as back-end links that point to your website when someone does a search.

In the case of bad hosts, your website’s SEO might be hurt due to a lack of resources and slow loading times. Also, some free web hosts might be free due to the various ads that might pop up on your website, which leads to lower SEO rankings depending on the relevance of the ads to the website.

Security risks


Then you also run the risk of low-security measures. You have to keep in mind that your website will be assessed or even judged a certain way by users and search engines based on the security in place. There are many instances where websites have been hacked, and sensitive data has been leaked leading to negative consequences for many companies.

When it comes to your website, we recommend you take as many security measures as possible. Free or subpar web hosts can’t guarantee high-end security.

Poor customer service

Whenever we purchase something, whether it is in person or online, and we run into some issues, the one thing that we all need is good customer service.

We know that some providers, usually those on the cheap end, would have to downsize somewhere. Unfortunately,  the first option when one is considering cutting costs is firing people. The customer service department is usually the first one to take the heat. So at the end of the day, cheap providers offer low-quality customer services since only a few employees are available to answer all customer inquiries.

Keep in mind some providers tend to give new customers higher attention in the beginning, so the quality of the service is not noticed. But after the “honeymoon” period, the lack of customer service will start showing.



To conclude, you have to be really careful when choosing web hosting. If you go with a low-quality host, you will experience a lot of issues. You can avoid bad hosts by doing your research, reading reviews, and paying attention to which providers get bad reviews most often.