How Often Should You Clean Your Vacuum Cleaner

The vacuum cleaner is our go-to device when we need to make our homes look nice, tidy, and be clean, however, not many of us remember that this unit needs to be cleaned as well.

We are all focused on the fact that this device makes our houses go from dirty and dusty to sparkling clean, and we tend to think that they are just going to stay clean forever. However, if you don’t take proper care of your vacuum cleaner, chances are, it is going to get filled too much, it is going to stop working properly, and ultimately, it is going to break. This begs the question, when is the right time to do this type of maintenance?

In this article, we are going to tell you how often you should clean your vacuum cleaner, what is the right way to do that, and how to make sure you don’t damage it.

It all depends on your habit

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The first thing you need to know about these devices is that there are many different models of them. You can choose the one for you depending on your needs, budget, and the additional features it offers. Some models are going to be basic, simple, and they are going to get the job done. Others can be automatic, and they will do all the vacuuming instead of you. Note that there are also professional devices that are made to remove all those stubborn stains from your carpet, they will deep clean your space, and they can be used for many other things other than just the traditional cleaning of the dust and dirt on your floor.

Once you pick the right make and model for you, you should think about your vacuuming habits. Some people want to clean their homes every other day when there is not a lot of dust or dirt, and they tend to keep their houses sparkling. Others don’t have time to do this type of maintenance every week, and they only find time to vacuum the space several times per month.

On the same note, know that there is a difference between just cleaning the dust that is stuck on your floors, and deep cleaning the space. Note that if you tend to use it for professional purposes, or if you need this device to remove larger particles, or even sticky materials, you may need to maintain your unit more often.

Think about the main purpose you are going to use it for, and know that you should consider the size of your home or office, the type of dirt that you want to be removed, and if there are going to be any type of debris that may stick to the unit, or damage it if it is left there for a long time.

Check the manufacturer recommendation

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As you already know, there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of different models of these units, and when it comes to proper maintenance, there is no one size fits all rule. Note that even though you should pay attention to your vacuuming habits, you should also pay attention to the make and model of the cleaner you’ve chosen.

You should always invest in good devices that require less frequent cleaning, and that are going to accommodate your needs. As you can see if you click here, there is a huge difference when it comes to certain brands, and you can easily find a vacuum cleaner that will serve its purpose within your budget.

When you purchase your device, you should check to see the guidelines that the manufacturer has for you, and you should never ignore the instructions for use. We usually throw away the manual as soon as we purchase a new device, but you should take your time and see what they are saying about the process.

Depending on the model you choose, you may need to clean it several times per year, or you will be free of this care for at least a year, or even a year and a half. However, you should not blindly stick to these numbers, and you should always check it and see if it needs to be emptied and cleaned.

Note that there is a difference between thoroughly cleaning it, and just emptying the bag. You should empty the bag when it’s full, and this once again depends on the exact model and your cleaning habits. It is said that people who vacuum their homes at least twice per month should empty the bag every other month.

Basic timeline

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Now let’s talk about some of the things you need to do to make sure that this device is going to stay intact for a long time. You should wipe the brushes and the bristles, and remove any type of debris that may be stuck between them. Don’t forget to remove loose hairs that may prevent the unit from working properly. Empty the bag or the canister after a few uses, tho you may do this more or less often depending on your habits and the type of vacuuming you do.

Don’t forget about the filters of the unit, and know that you should remove them, wash them, and scrub them at least once per month. Experts suggest that if you want this unit to work perfectly all the time, you should completely disassemble it every year, or at least twice every three years, and clean every single part of it. Note that you can do this on your own if you feel like you can do it, or you can collaborate with a professional service that will do this for you.

Lastly, you should know that no matter what you do, your unit is going to get old with time, and it won’t do its job properly. Because of it, you should replace it at least once every ten years, or when you feel there are newer and better models that are going to make your life easier.

Follow our tips, pay attention to how your unit sounds, make sure you don’t overload it, try not to overheat it, and take proper care of it. By doing these things you will ensure that it stays amazing for a long time and that your home will always be spotless.

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